Tuesday, April 27, 2010

White House-Washington D.C.

The White House
To take a tour of the White House, you have to submit your request through your Member of Congress and has to be accepted up to six months in advance and no less than 30 days in advance. They are free though!
For virtual tour click here

The White House- Home of the President of the United States. With all the pictures inside and stories from the tour, I'm sure I will learn more about the government. Too bad, I won't be able to take the tour inside this time because I didn't submit my request.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the backround of your blog, it is very pretty and gives us an idea of your personality. The blog is well organized with the pages that you can click on at the top. I think it might be helpful if you added a little more of your own thoughts about the places that you are planning to visit. What about them is exciting or attracting to you? All of your pics are very inviting!
